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Become a volunteer

Volunteer Recruitment

Welcome to become our centre’s volunteer

If you are interested in being a volunteer, please download the volunteer application formVolunteer Application form
. Fill and submit it by fax or email to our centre. If you have any questions, please contact our social workers.

Volunteer Work

Organize Volunteer Service

If any organizations or companies are interested in organizing the volunteer service to serve the community and care for the underprivileged, please download the volunteer application form for group Volunteer Application Form for group
and fax to our centre. We will contact organizations for arranging suitable volunteer services.

Become a Volunteer Tutor

If you are interested in being a volunteer tutor, please download the volunteer tutor application form Volunteer tutor Application form
, and submit it by fax or email to our centre.

Tel︰2641 7787 Fax︰2641 4634 Email︰info@yiuonec.org.hk