To follow the Service Quality Standards (SQS) that is implemented by Social Welfare Department in 2000, our centre as a subvented organization implemented all standard in different stages and practiced various solutions. The SQS illustrate the required quality level of social welfare services. The Social Welfare Department hopes to increase the quality level of social welfare services in Hong Kong by the efforts of social organizations and the participation of the service users.
Between 2000 and 2006, our centre successfully passed the first and other random evaluation visits with the service performance monitoring team 6 times. The evaluation includes the standard 1,4,10,11,18 in the first stage, standard 3,5,6,7 in the third stage and standard 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15 of the continuous service. We met all the requirements of the criteria. During the review, the assessor had a high opinion of how we practice principles and amends. At the same time, the staff of our centre and all the service users fulfilled the criteria of evaluation and basic principles by comprehending the SQS and continuous service. From 2014, our centre fulfilled all the standard and upgraded to be a neighbourhood elderly centre. Our centre will keep amending principles in order to provide a better and appropriate service for the elderly.
The service unit ensures that a clear description of its purpose, objectives and mode of service delivery is publicly available.
The service unit should review and update the documented policies and procedures describing how it will approach key service delivery issues.
The service unit maintains accurate and current records of service operations and activities.
The roles and responsibilities of all staff, managers, the Management Committee and/or the Board or other decision-making bodies should be clearly defined.
The service unit/agency implements effective staff recruitment, contracting, development, training, assessment, deployment and disciplinary practices.
The service unit regularly plans, reviews and evaluates its own performance, and has an effective mechanism by which service users, staff and other interested parties can provide feedback on its performance.
The service unit implements policies and procedures to ensure effective financial management.
The service unit complies with all relevant legal obligations.
The service unit takes all reasonable steps to ensure that it provides a safe physical environment for its staff and service users.
The service unit ensures that service users have clear and accurate information about how to enter and leave the service.
The service unit has a planned approach to assessing and meeting service users’ needs (whether the service user is an individual, family, group or community).
The service unit respects the service users' right to make informed choices of the service they receive as far as practicable.
The service unit respects the service users’ rights in relation to private property.
The service unit respects the service users’ rights for privacy and confidentiality.
Each service user and staff member is free to raise and have addressed, without fear of retribution, any complaints he or she may have regarding the agency or the service unit.
The service unit takes all reasonable steps to ensure that service users are free from abuse.
Our centre provides the handbook of the SQS and welcomes everyone to read.