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Professional Counseling

Professional Counseling

Professional Counseling

The professional social workers provide individual or group counseling for the elderly or carer to deal with the problem that they faced in daily life, such as the problem of personal emotion, finance, health and long-term caring. We also refer suitable cases to other organization for different social resources and community consultation.

Application for long-term caring service – Our professional evaluators are responsible for ‘evaluation of the health and caring of the elderly’. They help the elderly who meet the requirement to apply for the residential care service or community care service for free.

Application Procedures

  1. 1.The health condition of the elder is getting worse

  2. 2.The elder or his family apply for the service

  3. 3.Our worker makes a primary screening

  4. 4.The evaluator arranges a home visit and meeting for evaluation

  5. 5.The worker explains the evaluation result

  6. 6.We assist to make a caring plan

    Residential care service

    It is suitable for the elderly who cannot stay at home due to a health problem or a lack of support and need residential care.

    Community care service

    We provide integrated service for the elderly to be served with the caring or nursing service at their home or other familiar environments. We provide the service of individual caring (bathing, rehabilitation, medication management, and basic care) and/or other supports (home service, escort and meal delivery).